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Our People

Professor Penny Hay

Artist, Educator & Researcher, & Honorary Fellow (2023)
<p dir="ltr">Professor Penny Hay is an artist, educator and researcher. Penny is Professor of Imagination at the Centre for Cultural and Creative Industries, a Reader in Creative Teaching and Learning at Bath Spa University, and Founding Director of the House of Imagination. Her Signature projects include School Without Walls and Forest of Imagination. Penny’s doctoral research focused on children’s learning identity as artists.</p> <p dir="ltr">Penny is the strand leader for Creative Pedagogy in the Policy, Pedagogy and Practice Research Centre, Associate Director of TRACE at Bath Spa University, Chair of Imagination Research Space, and co-chair of the eARTh research group focusing on education, arts and the environment. She was recently the co-investigator on an Erasmus+ project Interstice in Europe researching the space between art, children and educators.</p> <p dir="ltr">Penny is a visiting lecturer at Arts University Plymouth, National Teaching Fellow, and Fellow of the Chartered College of Teaching, with awards from Action for Children’s Arts, Thornton Education Trust, Landscape Institute and Creative Bath.<br /><br />Penny was awarded an Honorary Fellowship by Arts University Plymouth in 2023.<br /></p>

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