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Alumni move into new studio spaces at Maker Heights

This week three of our alumni artists – Charlie Wildy, Eoghan Lewis and Lee McDonald – moved into free studio space situated at Maker Heights, on Cornwall’s Rame Peninsula provided by the College.
<p>This week three of our alumni artists – <strong>Charlie Wildy</strong>,<strong> Eoghan Lewis </strong>and<strong> Lee McDonald</strong> – moved into free studio space provided by the College situated at Maker Heights, on Cornwall’s Rame Peninsula.<br /></p>
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<p>The alumni responded to our call for proposals and three were selected based on the strength of their submission, which outlined interesting ways that the opportunity would benefit their practice.</p> <p>The studio spaces are available to the alumni artists for two months, with the possibility for one artist remaining for a 12 month period.</p> <p>Affordable studio space can be hard to find so the selected alumni were delighted be offered the residency.</p> <p>“I can’t wait to get started in the studios at Maker Heights. It’s a great location and I think the scenery will inspire how my work develops,” said BA (Hons) Illustration graduate Eoghan Lewis</p>
Court yard view
<p>Rame School of Art, based at Maker, is a community of internationally renowned artists and this unique opportunity enables alumni to become part of this artist network.</p> <p>The artists based at Maker are keen to see how the selected alumni develop their practice and are very kindly offering to provide support and mentoring if required.</p> <p>Heath Hearn, an artist at Maker Heights, said “We are excited to welcome Plymouth College of Art alumni to Maker Heights and I hope the collaboration will enable the artists to thrive! We will be advising and encouraging them during their residency and will introduce them to interesting artists in our community.”</p> <p>As the residency evolves we will keep you updated with progress and how the alumni get on at Maker Heights.<br /></p> <p>– <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Find out about Charlie Wildy, BA (Hons) Fine Art graduate and her residency at KARST</a></p>