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College joins Creative Industries Federation and backs proposals for creative learning at the heart of education
Thursday, 19 March, 2015 — We speak to Principal Professor Andrew Brewerton about the college becoming a member of the Creative Industries Federation – a national membership organisation for all the UK’s public arts, commercial creative industries and cultural education.
<p>We're really pleased to share the news that the college is now a member of the Creative Industries Federation (CIF) – the new national membership organisation that brings together the UK’s creative industries and arts education sectors.</p>
<p>And we also welcome Ed Miliband's proposals to put creativity at the heart of education, in his keynote speech address to the CIF's recent event at Battersea Arts Centre.<br /></p>

<p>The CIF – founded by Sir John Sorrell, who recently opened the college's new Craft, Design and Fabrication Workshops – creates a new public voice for the UK creative industries.</p>
<p>"It is welcome news," commented Professor Andrew Brewerton on Ed Miliband's pledge, "but we would like to see that educational focus as a commitment to making, and to the development of creative practice, and not just part of a target culture."</p>
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<p>"And creative learning requires creative spaces for learning – the studio, workshop, and performance environments."</p>
<p>"We were keen to join the new Creative Industries Federation, and are very focused on the industry, academic and partnership agenda for our distinctive continuum of creative learning and practice here in Plymouth."<br /></p>

<ul><li><a href="http://www.creativeindustriesfederation.com/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Find out more about the Creative Industries Federation</a>.</li><li><a href="http://plymouthschoolofcreativearts.co.uk/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Find out more about Plymouth School of Creative Arts</a>.</li></ul>