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Crafts Council announces the selected makers for seventh year of Hothouse
Monday, 23 January, 2017 — The Crafts Council has selected 35 maker businesses to take part in the six month Hothouse programme, delivered in partnership across the UK.
<p>The Crafts Council has selected 35 maker businesses to take part in the six-month <a href="https://www.craftscouncil.org.uk/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Hothouse</a> programme, delivered in partnership across the UK at locations including Plymouth College of Art. For 2017 makers cover a broad range of disciplines including nine jewellers, six ceramists, six textile makers, three glass makers, and five furniture makers. Hothouse has partnered with a range of specialist gallery spaces, studio spaces and universities. The Crafts Council are delighted that for the third year running <a href="http://www.craftscotland.org/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Craft Scotland</a> is funding the places of designer-makers living and working in Scotland.</p>
<p>As the Craft Council’s creative and business development programme for up-and-coming makers; Hothouse has quickly established itself as a gold-standard professional development programme. Over the last five years more than 200 participants have taken part in the programme with 90% of makers in 2016 stating that the programme had enabled them to think differently about the direction of their career.</p>
“I am delighted with the selection of designer-makers chosen for our seventh year of Hothouse. The programme provides holistic support and business skills to a new generation of makers within the crafts sector. So far over 200 designer-makers have taken part in Hothouse and have progressed onto great things.”
Nicky Dewar, Head of Learning & Talent Development, Crafts Council

<p>This year the Crafts Council has partnered with 24 organisations across England and Scotland including Manchester School of Art, Craft Scotland, University of Brighton, and The National Centre for Craft and Design. The 35 maker businesses selected already display a high level of technical craftsmanship and originality. Hothouse will further equip them with the business and creative skills needed to run a successful and sustainable craft business.</p>
<p>Participants include:</p><ul><li>Christina Hesford is a hand-weaver based in Stockton on Tee. Her work explores the traces and experiences of humanity’s passage on Earth using materials ranging from hand-dyed silk and linen, to de-commissioned fire hoses.</li><li>Juli Bolaños-Durman is a glass maker based in Edinburgh and is also a participant of A Future Made. With her background in Graphic Design, and mixed-media, Juli has won the ELLE DECORATION British Design Awards in 2015 and New Designers CGS First Prize in 2013.</li><li>Tim Evershed from Brook Studio is a furniture maker based in Southampton. He uses locally sourced hardwood and aims to capture the inherent charm of the timber in his designs by placing emphasis on craftsmanship, longevity, and sustainability.</li><li>Fiona Rourke and Holly Barton from Tropezar are jewellers based in Retford. This duo creates playful and impactful pieces of jewellery by experimenting with unlikely materials and processes.</li></ul>
“Hothouse brought instant improvement to my business because it offers training and business advice tuned specifically to the craft maker.”
Hannah Tounsend, Hothouse 2016 Alumni
<p>Full list of makers:</p>
<p>Amanda Priest, Anita Carnell, Anya Kovalieva, Charlie Birtles, Charlotte Wilkinson, Chloe Smith, Christina Hesford, Elizabeth Jane Campbell, Emma Johnson, Eva Fernandez, Forest + Found, Francesca Rossi, Harry Morgan, Juan Junca, Juli Bolaños-Durman, Julia Rushworth, Karolina Baines, Kate Haywood, Lauren Bell-Brown, Line Nilsen, Majeda Clarke, Mariam Syed, Matthew Duckworth, May & Wild, Mella Shaw, Miriam Griffiths, Rachel Butlin, Rosie Deegan, Ruth Leslie, Sarah Hitchens, Sophie Southgate, Tim Evershed, Tim Summers, Tropezar, and Verity Howard.</p>
<p>List of partners:</p>
<p>Plymouth College of Art, City of Glasgow College, Craft Central, Craft Scotland, Crafts Study Centre, Craftspace, Creative Lancashire, Design Event, Design Factory, Design-Nation, Fife Contemporary Art and Craft, London Metropolitan University (CASS Faculty of Art Architecture & Design), Manchester Craft and Design Centre, Manchester School of Art, New Ashgate Gallery, Nottingham County Council, Nottingham Trent University, The Bluecoat Display Centre, The Jewellery School at Birmingham City University, The National Centre for Craft and Design, University of Brighton, University of Central Lancashire, University of Dundee, University of Middlesex and Yorkshire Artspace. Promotional partners include Arts Thread, and Etsy</p>
<p>As well as being a partner - Craft Scotland has funded a group of seven makers based in Scotland to take part in Hothouse 2017.</p>