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Film students celebrate women on the move in Plymouth
Tuesday, 17 April, 2018 — BA (Hons) Film students Constantinos Christou and Alex Conabere were recently commissioned to produce a short film to celebrate the female drivers of Plymouth CityBus.
<p>The Women on the Move event, held by <a href="https://www.plymouthbus.co.uk/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Plymouth CityBus</a> to celebrate International Women’s Day, featured a video produced by students from Plymouth College of Art.</p>

<p>The film was directed and produced by final year <a href="https://www.aup.ac.uk/courses/undergraduate/ba-hons-film-screen-arts" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">BA (Hons) Film</a> student Constantinos Christou, who was assisted by first year BA (Hons) Film student Alex Conabere. Constantinos and Alex picked up the job through the college's in-house design studio The Agency.</p>
<p>Taking place in the Plymouth CityBus depot in Milehouse, the Women on the Move event showcased the driving skills of women working within the company and their commitment to changing what has traditionally been a male-dominated industry.</p>
<p>Richard Stevens, Managing Director at Plymouth Citybus commented, “For me this event is all about respect and recognition; we are recognising the expertise of our female team members as professional drivers and showcasing the professionalism required to work in the transport industry.”</p>
<p>The specially commissioned film was premiered at the event, with the aim of celebrating the skills of female drivers at Citybus, as well as looking at what life is like as a driver, and encouraging other women to join the ranks.</p>

<p>The opportunity to film this project came through the college’s in-house design studio The Agency, a space where external businesses and organisations pitch paid live projects and briefs for undergraduate students to work on. This project in particular appealed to Constantinos as he saw it as an opportunity to strengthen his portfolio alongside gaining an insight into a company that he sees operating every day in the city.</p>
<p>When asked about the production process, Constantinos said, “The highlight was a short ride that we took through the city on a bus that was only in service for us to capture footage. The activities the drivers were undertaking in the training area proved to be the biggest challenge to film, we had to stay very alert!</p>
“Both The Agency at Plymouth College of Art and Plymouth Citybus were really pleased with the outcome. In addition, we were invited to the Headquarters of Plymouth Citybus on International Women's day to see the film screened for the first time at the event.”
Constantinos Christou
<p>Constantinos initially joined the college on the <a href="https://www.aup.ac.uk/international/international-exchanges" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Erasmus+</a> programme, which allows students from partner institutions across Europe to experience study abroad for up to 12 months. He then chose to continue his studies in Plymouth, and stayed with the college for the final year of his undergraduate degree, where he’s worked on a variety of live briefs through The Agency and has had worked screened at film festivals in the USA, Caribbean, France and Poland.<br /></p>