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Plymouth College of Art makes plans for fashion success
Friday, 28 July, 2017 — Plymouth College of Art brings Fashion Capital's successful fashion industry insider seminar to the South West for the first time, and announces plans to explore the idea of creating a fashion focused "sampling unit" factory in the city.
<h5>Plymouth College of Art recently hosted the very first South West edition of Fashion Capital’s popular seminar ‘How To Succeed in Fashion Today’ at <a href="https://realideas.org/our-spaces/ocean-studios/">Ocean Studios</a> in Royal William Yard.</h5>
<p>Described as a no holds barred seminar lifting the lid on the UK garment industry, the event was led by <a href="http://www.fashioncapital.co.uk/">Fashion Capital</a> CEO Jenny Holloway, drawing on her experiences as a Senior Buyer for M&S and the Arcadia Group, as well as owning her own label and running <a href="http://www.fashion-enter.com/">Fashion Enter</a>, an ethical UK Factory which was recently awarded SME of the Year at the London Evening Standard Business Awards.</p>

Jenny Holloway
"Plymouth has academic excellence already with Plymouth College of Art, and now we have to harness that talent..."
Jenny Holloway, CEO Fashion Capital and FashionEnter
<p>Boasting a range of influential names, the seminar offered exclusive insights into all aspects of the industry, from targeting consumers to how to choose the right fabrics. The event was attended by members of the public and students and staff from various courses at the college, including <a href="https://www.aup.ac.uk/courses/undergraduate/ba-hons-fashion-media-marketing">BA (Hons) Fashion, BA (Hons) Fashion Media & Marketing</a>,<a href="https://www.aup.ac.uk/courses/undergraduate/ba-hons-costume-production"> BA (Hons) Costume Production & Associated Crafts,</a> and <a href="https://www.aup.ac.uk/courses/pre-degree/ual-level-3-extended-diploma-in-art-design-fashion-textiles">ED Fashion & Textiles.</a>.</p>
<p>Speakers included Caren Downie, who has long been an ambassador for young British design talent in the UK. Caren shared insights from her work as a Brand Director and Buying Director with the likes of <strong>Topshop</strong>, <strong>ASOS</strong> and <strong>Finery</strong>, including the importance of consistency across branding and messaging.</p>
<p>Deborah Shulton, former fabric technician at <strong>Marks & Spencer</strong>, shared advice on choosing fabric including country of origin, wearability, and aftercare. Gabrielle Shiner-Hill, a highly skilled textile and fashion designer, offered insight into the design process and product development, highlighting how to ensure that your production and sampling is right first time.</p>
“Build up your own network, present your collection to press and get your brand in the media. You must ensure that your message is consistent.”
Caren Downie, former Buying Director of Topshop, Brand Director of ASOS and Finery.

<p>“Know who your customer is and where they shop,” was the advice shared by former Head of Garment Tech for Topshop, ASOS and Finery London, Sophie Glover. Sophie shared what the industry defines as quality within garment production for brands. Former Group Marketing Director for global brand <strong>Monsoon & Accessorize</strong> Tracey Parks-Taylor offered advice on maximising marketing, followed by a discussion on the importance of technical qualifications from Bernadette Done of leading national awarding organisation ABC Awards.</p>
<p>Finishing the successful three-hour seminar, Plymouth College of Art’s Hannah Harris showcased the college’s own plans for a fashion focused factory based in the city. The college is currently exploring the idea of creating a "sampling unit", working in conjunction with the Millfields Trust to set up a social enterprise which would be situated in the old Jaeger factory near the city centre.</p>
"You don't have to move to London, you can make it here. Plymouth has huge potential."
Jenny Holloway, CEO Fashion Capital and FashionEnter

Hannah Harris
<p>This exciting project looks to re-establish the city’s historical links to the fashion industry as well as providing jobs and support for recent graduates, new designers and SMEs in building their businesses.</p>
<p>Hannah said, "We are hoping to launch early in 2018, subject to funding. We want to hear from anyone that wants to use the service or work in the industry. Plymouth has a heritage of making, we used to be great at manufacturing, and celebrated it as a career and skill."</p>
<p>Paul Singleton, Associate Dean of Design at the college, said, "The unit would start small but grow with the ability to employ people locally. We are already producing talented designers, so this is a logical progression.”</p>
<p>Jenny Holloway, Fashion Capital CEO said, "Plymouth has academic excellence already with Plymouth College of Art, and now we have to harness that talent and create the businesses of tomorrow that will bring the London buyers to the South West.</p>
<p>"You don't have to move to London, you can make it here. Plymouth has huge potential."<br /></p><ul><li><a href="https://www.aup.ac.uk/courses/undergraduate/ba-hons-fashion-design">Thinking of studying Fashion? Find out more about our BA (Hons) Fashion programme.</a></li><li><a href="https://www.aup.ac.uk/apply">There are limited places available for September 2017 - find out more about applying through Clearing.</a><a href="https://cms.plymouthart.ac.uk/courses/ba-hons-illustration/"></a></li></ul>