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Invest in your career: Crafts Council Hothouse Taster Day
Tuesday, 16 April, 2013 — If you are an emerging craft maker looking for support and advice to develop your practice, don't miss out on the Crafts Council's Hothouse Taster Day in association with Plymouth College of Art on Monday 29th April.
<p>If you are an emerging craft maker looking for support and advice to develop your practice, don’t miss out on the Crafts Council’s Hothouse Taster Day in association with Plymouth College of Art on Monday 29th April 2013.</p>
<p>The Hothouse Taster is a one-day intensive workshop especially tailored for new craft makers wanting to set up in business and develop their creativity. It is also a great chance to find out more about the <a href="https://www.craftscouncil.org.uk/maker-support/hothouse" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Crafts Council's Hothouse programme</a> for emerging makers, which offers focused, intensive business and creative development, complemented with 1:1 support over a six month period. In this month’s taster session, get tips on how to apply, and hear from makers who have taken part.</p>
<p>There will also be a variety of inspiring professional makers, sharing their experiences of running a successful practice, alongside business tips and tools.</p>
<p>Speakers include <a href="http://www.alisonbranagan.com/">Alison Branagan</a>, author of The Essential Guide to Business for Artists and Designers; Cornwall based silversmith <a href="http://www.abigailbrown.co.uk/">Abigail Brown</a>; curator of New Designers' One Year On <a href="http://www.jethromacey.com/">Jethro Macey</a>; past Hothouse participant <a href="http://cargocollective.com/lucyfoakes">Lucy Foakes, </a>ceramics, on social media; the <a href="http://www.crafts.org.uk/">Devon Guild of Craftsmen</a> on opportunities for new makers; Sarah James of the <a href="http://www.craftsatboveytracey.co.uk/">Contemporary Craft Fair </a>and Made By Hand on preparing for shows; and Alex Brownless of <a href="http://www.artsthread.com/">ArtsThread</a> - THE creative graduate website.</p>
<p>The Hothouse Taster Day starts at 10.00am for coffee and networking, and also includes:</p><ul><li>Introduction to the Crafts Council</li><li>How to build your networks: creative, business, local and virtual</li><li>Basic business for emerging makers</li><li>How to improve your presentation skills</li><li>Making an application</li><li>Peer support and networking</li><li>Talks from emerging and established makers who have done it!</li><li>Plus the chance to meet with like minded makers in creative Plymouth!</li></ul><p>Booking via eventbrite is essential. Invest in your career and book tickets here: <a href="http://hothousetasterdayplymouth.eventbrite.co.uk/">http://hothousetasterdayplymouth.eventbrite.co.uk/</a></p>
<p><strong>Crafts Council Hothouse Taster Day, 10am, Monday 29th April 2013<br /></strong><strong>Plymouth College of Art, Tavistock Place, Plymouth PL4 8AT</strong></p>