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Join us in 2020 – A message from Plymouth College of Art
Friday, 19 June, 2020 — Thinking about joining us to begin study in 2020? Watch these messages from our Principal and Academic Dean to help you make up your mind.
<p>Whether you've already applied to begin one of our creative undergraduate degrees in October 2020 or are still making your mind up about whether to start university at a time of so much global change, we're here to help you make the right decision for your future.</p>
<p>Our Principal, Professor Andrew Brewerton, and Academic Dean, Associate Professor Paul Fieldsend-Danks, have recorded messages for anybody still making a decision, detailing some of the measures that we are taking to ensure a <strong>safe and secure working and learning environment </strong>when we reopen in October with our new <strong>extended creative studio pedagogy</strong> – a hybrid of online and on-campus creative practice within our diverse industry-standard studios and workshops, supported by one-to-one and group workshops in person and live on our digital platforms.</p>
<p>We have all learned a lot over the summer and are proud of the way our community has responded to the lockdown restrictions, from <strong>video-streamed guest lecturers by internationally-acclaimed artists</strong> and <strong>digital roundtable discussions with industry pros</strong> to <strong>online peer-to-peer crits</strong> and <strong>technical workshops</strong> that have been adapted to use alternative materials and equipment that students could access easily at home.</p>

<p>However, we also know that access to <strong>the right working spaces and facilities is vital for artists, designers and makers</strong>, which is why we are planning to allow students to pursue and complete their studies and develop their creative practise with as much space for making within campus-based specialist workshops and studios as possible, subject to Government guidelines and pandemic controls.</p>
<p>It’s not too late to apply to continue your creative journey with us – we are still accepting applications for 2020 entry. If you have questions about which degree may be right for you, want to know about student accommodation or about our international industry connections, or would like additional information on the application process, get in touch with our friendly team by emailing <strong><a href="mailto:We%20are%20still%20accepting%20applications%20for%202020%20entry.">admissions@pca.ac.uk</a></strong>, calling <strong>01752 203434</strong> or messaging us on <strong><a href="https://api.whatsapp.com/send?phone=447722744184&text=&source=&data=">WhatsApp 07722 744184</a>.</strong></p>
<p>For more information on the college's response to Covid-19 and blended learning please visit our <a href="https://cms.plymouthart.ac.uk/courses/ba-hons-illustration/">guidance pages</a>.<br /></p>