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Masters Summer Show Open 2021 – Innovation and disruption from research-led makers
Tuesday, 31 August, 2021 — Hosted by Studio 11 on Regent Street, Plymouth, postgraduate students from Plymouth College of Art are showcasing their dynamic and exciting research projects from 10 to 16 September 2021
<p dir="ltr">At the Masters Summer Show Open 2021, postgraduate students from Plymouth College of Art will showcase a variety of exciting and dynamic research projects undertaken within the College’s specialist postgraduate community of practice, working across specialisms that include painting, drawing, sculptural installation, moving image, design and ceramics.</p>
<p dir="ltr">This year Plymouth College of Art’s Masters showcase, running from 10 to 16 September, will be bigger than ever, featuring over 40 selected works by students who are completing their postgraduate studies in 2021 or who were unable to showcase their work in 2020 due to restrictions caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. <a href="http://tracking.pca.ac.uk/tracking/click?d=QG82QkYoyAYbG_kZrWq1hPJr6yug0QeMDUYjc6FmxdwcquiVdNo0bjpB1gi91rEPvZyAmRn5QYt8fdAFacH4xviH89Ht_2y8M24e62wai41_Cbu31JLAkvscF0XqNrW2zo4HfTIiE7VukwPKGU_6VzzGIHq9Q-hkU3hD9wfJEje9U4y8MgsxEqtoyYbRnGtfAJGBVDjD_slZDZ63PJwHzL81" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener"><br /></a></p>

MA Textile Design student Becky Dodman's Tasseography Textiles - a collaborative process between client and designer, using tea leaves to generate a bespoke design
<p dir="ltr">The exhibition will take place at Plymouth College of Art’s Studio 11 building on Regent Street, which starts with an opening event from <strong>Thursday 9 September from 5pm - 8pm, and will then open to members of the public daily from Friday 10 September until Thursday 16 September 2021, 10am to 5pm weekdays and 10am to 2pm Saturday</strong> (closed Sunday 12 September). For anybody considering postgraduate study, the Postgraduate Centre staff will be onsite on Saturday 11 September for a <a href="https://www.plymouthart.ac.uk/open-days">Postgraduate Open Day</a>, with opportunities to meet academics, speak to students or alumni and visit the state-of-the-art campus.</p>
<p dir="ltr">The Masters 21 Show will feature work from postgraduates across programmes including MA Ceramics, MA Creative Education: Making Learning, MA Textile Design, MA Printmaking, MA Disruptive Design, MA Jewellery, MA Fine Art, MA Visual Communication, MA Entrepreneurship for Creative Practice, MA Illustration, MA Painting, MA Drawing, MA Photography, and Master of Fine Art (MFA). View an online showcase of student work here: <a href="https://www.pcamasters.co.uk" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">www.pcamasters.co.uk</a>.<a href="http://tracking.pca.ac.uk/tracking/click?d=QG82QkYoyAYbG_kZrWq1hPJr6yug0QeMDUYjc6FmxdzvrZ5rfZVfQK1nn1LhIaGgA2eQyOvnzbdSTYgM_O4SXcMDsqq-Q1DE36Fs8azxrzvEVcEa4e5LP2KE08ANwkrrfRkWldTuvZeUjbRemwY1mZ-Hb5dtwysT7jW3xSbrIW7q1bVEo6lUcuc7bG9dEnIND7kUyyWUHPjiE3wLbtrlI3E1" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener"><br /></a></p>

'Led a Merry Dance' by MA Painting student Annabelle Hogben which was featured on the Channel 4 TV Show 'Grayson's Art Club'
<p dir="ltr">Student projects selected for the show include Jack Roger’s prototypes for adapting drones to make deliveries across the Sahara Desert, painting created by Annabelle Hogben that has been featured on the Channel 4 television show ’Grayson’s Art Club’ and which is currently on show in Manchester Art Gallery, plus textiles work by Becky Dodman, whose Arts Council England-funded solo show will open at Ocean Studios in September and who has recently featured in New York’s Talking Textile Magazine, as well as being selected by Devon Guild of Craftsmen for the prestigious 2021 Making It exhibition. <a href="http://tracking.pca.ac.uk/tracking/click?d=QG82QkYoyAYbG_kZrWq1hPJr6yug0QeMDUYjc6Fmxdy6Rl5_CnC4qMPIlcB8AoKV_PyrbOTJl77Mh0SL6NeUEQSYYaPMQ5Mok0D7sx4m1RuqQ_k2LE7yINwbpqraZ3UvjUWuCIKqQcmQVFj37ygFOHKvMxQxbTEdWxS3UM-hpDaYuXuINfpzfMF7dYlpiFXjVrzh4nJFz6SZNQIMnttu6JE1" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener"><br /></a></p>

'The Sky Went Red, Black Rock' by Helen Skidmore, graduating MA Printmaking student at Plymouth College of Art
<p dir="ltr">Plymouth College of Art Postgraduate programmes is home to an active, cross-disciplinary community of makers and thinkers, whose work emerges from a dialogue between art, craft and design disciplines, informed by the core values of Plymouth College of Art - the purposeful exploration of the relationship between creative learning, making and positive social agency.<br /></p>