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New resources for graduates and early career artists
Thursday, 20 June, 2024 — Arts University Plymouth joins Visual Arts South West to commission a number of resources to help support recent graduates and early career artists.
<p>Arts University Plymouth has worked with <a href="https://vasw.org.uk/">VASW</a> to commission a series of indispensable resources aimed at recent graduates and early career artists.<br /><br />Visual Arts South West (VASW) is a sector support organisation for the arts that all Arts University Plymouth students and graduates should be aware of. Their mission is to advocate for people in the visual arts, connect artistic communities, raise visibility, campaign for diversity and build resilience to enable the South West visual arts sector to thrive.</p>

<p dir="ltr">New for 2024, VASW have worked in partnership with Arts University Plymouth, University of Plymouth, and Arts University Bournemouth, to commission a series of new resources aimed at recent graduates and early career artists.</p>
<p dir="ltr">The resources offer practical and knowledge based insights into key areas, covering the nuts and bolts of operating professionally within the Visual Arts and helping to bridge the gap between education and a sustainable creative career.<br /></p>

<p>The first two resources are now available online: <a href="https://vasw.org.uk/resources/do-i-need-to-be-self-employed-as-an-artist-or-artworker">Do I need to be Self-Employed as an artist or artworker?</a> by Rachel Dobbs, and <a href="https://vasw.org.uk/resources/a-guide-to-funding-for-early-career-artists">A guide to funding for early career artists</a> by Catherine Herbert. Further resources will be published in July.</p>
<p>Tim Gundry, Principal Lecturer and Assistant Dean for Student Experience, said: "At Arts University Plymouth we are committed to working with partners across the city and the South West region to create a vibrant cultural and commercial environment for our graduates. We want to ensure that all of our students have the necessary knowledge, skills and confidence to pursue successful creative careers."</p>
<p>"Alongside our work to support commercial practitioners and new business start-ups, we are very aware of the particular challenges facing emerging artists. Our partnership with Visual Arts South West is therefore a key development for us. The new resources that they have created, in close consultation with our arts-based courses, are designed to capture up-to-date advice and opportunities to help graduates to meet these challenges. This important work will be of interest to artists across the South West of England."<br /></p>

<p dir="ltr">VASW are based at Spike Island in Bristol, as part of their National Portfolio Organisation funded by Arts Council England. They are an independent organisation connected to the <a href="https://cvan.art/">Contemporary Visual Arts Network (CVAN)</a>.</p>
<p dir="ltr">As well as working with VASW, Arts University Plymouth also works in partnership with the CVAN network as a regional convening organisation of the Platform Graduate Award and exhibition, an initiative to support emerging graduate artistic talent to further their practice following graduation.<br /></p>

Ashanti receiving the KARST Graduate Residency award from Vice-Chancellor, Professor Paul Fieldsend-Danks, at the 2022 Graduate Shows
<p>Arts University Plymouth BA (Hons) Fine Art graduate Ashanti Hare won the national Platform Graduate Award 2022, which was the first year that university graduates from the South West participated in the prestigious national platform.</p>