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Plymouth College of Art bursaries available for Jamboree 2018
Thursday, 12 October, 2017 — Jamboree 2018 is a four day artist-led professional development event from artist duo LOW PROFILE, taking place from 28 June - 1 July 2018.
<h5>Plymouth College of Art are proud to support Jamboree 2018: a four day artist-led professional development event from artist duo <a href="http://we-are-low-profile.com/">LOW PROFILE</a>, which will be held at Dartington Estate, Devon, on 28 June - 1 July 2018. Eight of the 27 artists bursaries available are provided by Plymouth College of Art and are available for alumni, postgraduate students, and current members of staff to apply for.</h5>

<p>Following on from a successful pilot event in 2015, Jamboree 2018 will bring together 150 visual artists, curators and programmers in a relaxed outdoor setting across four days. Attendees will navigate a participant-built programme of presentations, micro-exhibitions, activities and discussions to share practice.</p>
<p>Hannah Harris, Director of Development at Plymouth College of Art said, “Plymouth College of Art are excited to be a partner in Jamboree 2018. We see this as an innovative model of professional development unlike any other. The format allows for genuine critical reflection on a personal and sector level, which will be incredibly valuable for all involved and for future developments.”</p>
<p>Aimed critically engaged artists, arts organisers, curators and programmers who are practicing professionally (whether on an independent or salaried basis), Jamboree 2018 will look to support the development of a geographically dispersed, national network of artists and curators, and will enable essential, productive connections to be made between participants; supporting artists & curators to meet; share experiences, exchange skills, test out ideas & broaden the reach of their work.</p>
<p>Hannah Rose of LOW PROFILE said: “Jamboree 2018 follows on from our successful pilot project, which was developed with support from a-n (The Artists Information Company), PAC Home (Plymouth Arts Centre's associate programme), and Plymouth Culture in November 2015. This started to address the challenges artists face in expanding the visibility of their practice, and kickstarted several collaborations and projects between the artist participants from Plymouth to Glasgow. We hope that Jamboree 2018 will be the catalyst for many more productive relationships to be built between artists, located across the UK.”</p>
<p><br /></p>
“Plymouth College of Art are excited to be a partner in Jamboree 2018. We see this as an innovative model of professional development unlike any other.”
Hannah Harris, Director of Development, Plymouth College of Art
<p>Rachel Dobbs of LOW PROFILE added: “With Jamboree, LOW PROFILE’s long-term interest and commitment is to creating social environments for sharing and supporting the development of useful, long-lasting professional connections between participants.”</p>
<p>As tickets for the event are limited to just 150 places, a selection process will take place with pre-registration applications, up until 5th November. Pre-registration is now open, and you can <a href="https://artistsjamboree.uk/">visit the Jamboree website</a> to find out more about the process for applying for tickets.</p>
<p>In addition, a total of <a href="https://artistsjamboree.uk/"><strong>27 bursaries</strong></a> will be available for artists to apply for, provided by key artist support networks and regional development organisations including Plymouth College of Art, Plymouth Arts Centre’s membership programme <a href="https://plymouthartscentre.org/about/art-programme/pac-home/">PAC Home</a>, <a href="http://somersetartworks.org.uk/">Somerset Art Works</a>, <a href="https://www.castlefieldgallery.co.uk/associates/">CG Associates</a>, <a href="http://www.spikeisland.org.uk/spike-associates/">Spike Associates</a>, <a href="http://www.cvan.org.uk/north-west/">CVAN North West</a>, <a href="https://eastsideprojects.org/esp/">Eastside Projects’ Associates scheme</a>,<a href="https://warpresource.wordpress.com/"> Wales Artist Resource Programme</a> and <a href="http://vasw.org.uk/">Visual Arts South West</a>.</p>
<p>There are eight Plymouth College of Art bursaries available, which are open to visual artists, curators, programmers & arts organisers who are current members of staff, alumni or postgraduates at the college. You can go directly to the application form <a href="https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdBnkd1d9tQUZGR-Akm3XerGJG14PeOlSEOvueUL2oaAQsh0Q/viewform">here</a>. </p>
<p><strong><br /></strong><strong>The deadline for all bursaries is 20 October 2017.</strong></p>
<p><strong><br /></strong></p><ul><li><a href="http://artistsjamboree.uk/">Visit the Jamboree 2018 website to find out more about tickets, bursaries, programme and other information for attendees.</a></li><li>Follow the conversation on <a href="https://twitter.com/artistsjamboree">Twitter</a>, <a href="https://www.facebook.com/artistsjamboree">Facebook</a> and <a href="https://www.instagram.com/artistsjamboree/">Instagram</a> with #Jamboree2018</li><li><a href="https://www.aup.ac.uk/posts/jamboree-2018-bursaries-announced-ticket-registration-now-open">Apply for a Plymouth College of Art Jamboree 2018 Bursary.</a></li></ul>