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PRE-DEGREE Ones to Watch 2019
Friday, 5 July, 2019 — Look out for these 17 and 18-year-old artists as they graduate from our Pre-Degree campus and prepare for the next steps in their creative careers.
<h5>Every year, graduating students aged 16 to 19, from our <a href="https://www.aup.ac.uk/courses/pre-degree/ual-level-3-extended-diploma-in-art-design">UAL Level 3 Extended Diplomas in Art and Design</a>, transform their dedicated Palace Court campus into a dynamic summer exhibition for industry professionals and members of the public to explore and preview the new wave of young innovators, activists and disruptors.</h5>
<p>As the Summer Shows draw to a close, we've rounded up some of 2019’s most exciting young artists from the South West to look out for, before they go on to study at degree-level at Plymouth College of Art and other universities around the country, or begin their journeys into the creative industries.<br /></p>

Ellie Woodman
<p><a href="https://www.instagram.com/overgrown_kid_creations/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Ellie Woodman</a> - <a href="https://www.aup.ac.uk/courses/pre-degree/ual-level-3-extended-diploma-in-art-design-giga">UAL Level 3 Extended Diploma (Graphics, Illustration & Game Arts)</a></p>
<p>17-year-old illustrator Ellie Woodman from Ivybridge has created a range of merchandise in pastel colours with cute motifs from the 1980s and 1990s, inspired by childhood nostalgia and Japanese street style.</p>

Toby Coulton
<p><a href="https://www.aup.ac.uk/courses/pre-degree/ual-level-3-extended-diploma-in-art-design">Toby Coulton - UAL Level 3 Extended Diploma (Art & Design)</a></p>
<p>18-year-old artist Toby Coulton, from Callington, has worked to research issues of racism and fatfobia within the gay community.</p>
<p>Based on his research, Toby wrote the synopsis for a theatrical play based on these themes. For the Pre-Degree Summer Shows 2019 at Plymouth College of Art, Toby developed a model set design to stage this play in The Lyric auditorium at Theatre Royal Plymouth.</p>

Logan Davies
<p><a href="https://www.instagram.com/_logan_photography_/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Logan Davies</a> - <a href="https://www.aup.ac.uk/courses/pre-degree/ual-level-3-extended-diploma-in-art-design-photography">UAL Level 3 Extended Diploma (Photography)</a></p>
<p>18-year-old Logan Davies, from Ernesettle, Plymouth, has created a provocative group of images in the style of David LaChapelle, subverting Roman Catholic imagery in his project 'Fallen From Grace' for the Pre-Degree Summer Shows 2019.</p>
<p>Logan said: “During my younger years, I attended a strict Roman Catholic primary school. ‘Fallen From Grace’ explores creatively how this has influenced me, in both positive and negative ways.”</p>

Sarah Wise de Jong
<p><a href="https://www.instagram.com/sarahwisedejong/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Sarah Wise de Jong</a> - <a href="https://www.aup.ac.uk/courses/pre-degree/ual-level-3-extended-diploma-in-art-design-giga">UAL Level 3 Extended Diploma (Graphics, Illustration & Game Arts)</a></p>
<p>17-year-old illustrator and graphic designer, Sarah Wise de Jong, from Plympton, has created a series of prints in primary colours to celebrate the centenary of the Bauhaus.</p>
<p>Sarah said: “I am influenced by modern graphic design and illustration, as well as movements like the Bauhaus and de Stijl, architecture and travel. In September I will be studying Illustration at an art university in Rotterdam, where I hope to develop myself as an artist and make international connections for my future career.”</p>

Kitty McEwan
<p><a href="https://www.instagram.com/midnakit/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Kitty McEwan</a> - <a href="https://www.aup.ac.uk/courses/pre-degree/ual-level-3-extended-diploma-in-art-design-giga">UAL Level 3 Extended Diploma (Graphics, Illustration & Game Arts)</a></p>
<p>17-year-old illustrator Kitty McEwan, from Stonehouse, Plymouth, is curator of the Plymouth Zine Library. For the Summer Shows 2019 she created a series of concept art inspired by film noir and Greek mythology, reimagining the character of Pandora as a 1940s private investigator.</p>

Tegan Peel
<p><a href="https://www.aup.ac.uk/courses/pre-degree/ual-level-3-extended-diploma-in-art-design-fashion-textiles">Tegan Peel - UAL Level 3 Extended Diploma (Fashion & Textiles)</a></p>
<p>18-year-old designer Tegan Peel, from Torquay, has created a collection for the 2019 Summer Shows inspired by children’s vulnerability to disease, particularly focusing on the Victorian era.</p>
<p>In 2017 Tegan worked to dress high street shop windows as part of Plymouth’s Fashion in the City event and was featured by BBC Spotlight for her efforts. Tegan was part of the winning team, selected by event organiser Jenny Bishop and Drake Circus Retailer Services Manager Andrew Godfrey.</p>

Nina Westwood
<p><a href="https://www.instagram.com/nina.westwood_art/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Nina Westwood</a> -<a href="https://www.aup.ac.uk/courses/pre-degree/ual-level-3-extended-diploma-in-art-design"> UAL Level 3 Extended Diploma (Art & Design)</a></p>
<p>18-year-old artist and designer Nina Westwood, from Plymouth, created a project titled ‘The Irrational Fear’, which was showcased on the fashion catwalk in the Pre-Degree 2019 Summer Shows.</p>
<p>Nina said: “My project explores absurd and irrational fears in humans and our bodies’ responses to them. I have been inspired by the power of imagination and how some people can be terrified of concepts that are considered ‘normal’ in most people’s lives.”</p>
<p><a href="https://www.instagram.com/abbey_valentina/?hl=en" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Abbey Valentina</a> - <a href="https://www.aup.ac.uk/courses/pre-degree/ual-level-3-extended-diploma-in-art-design-famp">UAL Level 3 Extended Diploma (Film, Animation and Media Production)</a><br /></p>
<p>18-year-old multimedia artist from Gunnislake, Abbey Valentina, specialises in film and photography. She created the film ‘Seeing Red’ for her final project with us. Using visual effects and contemporary dance, in this experimental video Abbey expresses her feeling that no-one is ever free from anger in 2019.</p>
<p>‘Seeing Red’ has been selected to be shown at the Origins Creative Arts Festival at Truman Brewery, Brick Lane in London, 26 to 28 July 2019.</p>
<p>Abbey said: “I initially chose to study at Plymouth College of Art because of the flexibility of what I’d be able to experiment with and specialise in. I’m hoping to stay at the college now for a Foundation Diploma in Art & Design to continue to develop my artistic practice, particularly videography or mixed media work focusing on dance and the arts. I’d like to continue to experiment and create strange things that people haven’t seen before.”</p>
<p><a href="https://www.aup.ac.uk/courses/pre-degree/ual-level-3-extended-diploma-in-art-design-famp">Meg Bryce - UAL Level 3 Extended Diploma (Film, Animation and Media Production)</a></p>
<p>18-year-old Meg Bryce, from Plymouth, created the short video ‘Fauna’ for the Pre-Degree Summer Shows 2019 at Plymouth College of Art. Her aim was to create something calm, serene and soothing that also showed off the skills that she has acquired as a filmmaker and content creator in the past two years of study.</p>
<p>Meg said: “Before choosing to come to Plymouth College of Art, the choice of A-Levels that I had been offered felt constrictive and like it would stifle my creativity. However, as soon as I heard about the UAL Level 3 Extended Diploma (Film, Animation and Media Production) at Plymouth College of Art I decided almost immediately. I’ve loved the choice and freedom that the course offered me. In September I hope to stay on at the college to study <a href="https://www.aup.ac.uk/courses/undergraduate/ba-hons-film-screen-arts">BA (Hons) Digital Media Production, </a>to help me work towards becoming a freelance video content creator or director of photography.”</p>
<p><br /></p><ul><li><a href="https://www.aup.ac.uk/posts/in-pictures-pre-degree-summer-show-2019">In pictures – Pre-Degree Summer Show 2019.</a></li><li><a href="https://www.aup.ac.uk/open-days">Interested in visiting our campus to find out more? Come along to our next Open Day.</a></li></ul>