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Pre-degree students get hands-on in workshop with award-winning photographer
Wednesday, 4 April, 2018 — Students on our pre-degree courses were left inspired following a visiting lecture and workshop from award-winning international photographer Maythem Ridha.
<p>Students on our pre-degree courses were left inspired following a unique opportunity to take part in a visiting lecture and workshop from award-winning international photographer <a href="http://www.maythemridha.com/">Maythem Ridha</a>.</p>

<p><strong>Maythem Ridha </strong>has lived, traveled and worked in countries as diverse as Iraq, Syria, Egypt, Libya, Algeria, the Gulf States and Morocco and has over 20 years experience creating award-winning film and photography projects.</p>
<p>In his talk to our students, Maythem discussed ways in which he taps into his own “otherness” as an Iraqi, an Arab, and a Muslim living in the UK, to connect with the humanity of the subjects of his work; to see each of them and their world through their eyes and to find true empathy with their struggles and joys.<br /></p>

<p>He illustrates this through his various projects and case studies, from projects on Indian migrant workers in Qatar to working with the survivors of the Grenfell Tower disaster and their community.</p>
<p>Students also had the chance to see a preview of Ridha’s latest project ’Tear Maker’, in which, following a group of Iraqi migrants during the Muharram Festival in London, Maythem visually explores the power of storytelling and how a tale can resonate through the ages and dramatically affect the lives of ordinary people.<br /></p>

<p>Following the talk, students embarked on a workshop with Ridha, walking through the city and Plymouth market to capture the stallholders and environment, with Ridha on hand to give tips and advise them on street/documentary photography.</p>
<p>Maythem Ridha’s films as writer and as director have been selected for <strong>major international film festivals</strong>, distributed theatrically, broadcast and won many accolades and prizes. With specialist knowledge of working in the Middle East and Europe, he has launched channels in both regions; including 10 satellite channels for <strong>Showtime Networks</strong>. He made films in English and Arabic for <strong>BBC World Service</strong> and for <strong>ART</strong><strong> Europe</strong>.</p>

<p>Maythem wrote IRAQI TALES, a body of stories for film, at the <strong>National Film & Television School</strong> <strong>(UK)</strong>; <a href="http://www.7thheavenfilms.com/projects_all/drama/Drifting_on_The_Wind/">DRIFTING ON THE WIND (ArRuh Ala </a><a href="http://www.7thheavenfilms.com/projects_all/drama/Drifting_on_The_Wind/">ArRih</a><a href="http://www.7thheavenfilms.com/projects_all/drama/Drifting_on_The_Wind/">)</a> was chosen by over 20 international film festivals, winning the <strong>Director’s Award at Hearts & Minds</strong>. <a href="http://www.7thheavenfilms.com/projects_all/drama/al-baghdadi/">AL-BAGHDADI</a> won the <strong>Gold Prize for Best Foreign Language Film</strong> at the International Filmmaker Festival. Winner of <strong>Al Hambra Award (UK)</strong> and a <strong>Takreem Prize (Iraq)</strong>, Maythem also works as a consultant on film, television and media projects for several international clients.<br /></p>