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Students and staff will join 'Counter' artists' book fair this weekend
Wednesday, 15 October, 2014 — The event – which takes place at Plymouth Arts Centre on Sunday from 12-5pm – aims to bring together artists, collectives and the general public for a celebration of books in conversation with Plymouth International Book Fair.
<p>Students and staff from the college will be taking part in Counter, a collaborative artists' book fair in Plymouth, this weekend. The event – which takes place at Plymouth Arts Centre on Sunday from 12-5pm – aims to bring together artists, collectives and the general public for a celebration of books in conversation with Plymouth International Book Fair.</p>
<p>Exhibitors at the event are set to include <a href="http://www.pylonpress.co.uk/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Pylon Press</a> (a research project, developed by BA (Hons) Illustration’s Philip Trenerry and Mel Brown), <a href="http://editionsofyou.com/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Editions of You</a>, Plymouth-based <a href="http://www.pineapplefalls.com/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Pineapple Falls</a> and London based artist <a href="http://www.thechinchilla.com/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Alexandra Czinczel</a> whose books are held in the collections of University College London, University of the West of England and Winchester School of Art.<br /></p>

<p>The synergy of the event offers an amazing opportunity for those interested in a variety of styles, from self published books and D.I.Y zines to artworks and multiple ephemera.</p>
<p>Artists will be at the event to answer any questions and books will be available for purchase. Book enthusiasts are encouraged to take their own work along to the event and will get the chance to discuss them with the various artists and collectives at Counter.</p>
<p><br />Find out more at <a href="http://www.counterplymouth.com/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">www.counterplymouth.com</a> or on Twitter at <a href="https://twitter.com/counterplymouth" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">@counterplymouth</a></p>