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Tap-in to what’s going on in Plymouth
Tuesday, 13 December, 2022 — QR codes across the city are a new way to support your favourite venue and keep up-to-date about upcoming events
<p dir="ltr">Alongside the opening of British Art Show 9 (BAS9), hundreds of Quick Response (QR) codes appeared all over the city. Commissioned by Plymouth Culture and Made in Plymouth in partnership with Micronomy, <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Tap-in Plymouth</a> is a digital campaign based on the science of multiple amounts of microinteractions.</p>
<p dir="ltr">Making everything in Plymouth happen from an entertainment, art and cultural perspective, takes an immense amount of work, time, energy and funding. And the backbone of the city is the people, and the places, that put everything on for the public.<br /></p>

Tap-in Plymouth is a digital campaign based on the science of multiple amounts of microinteractions
<p dir="ltr">Tap-in Plymouth provides a quick and simple way for everyone with a smartphone to help the collective effort, and to illustrate their enthusiasm for experiencing more of this across the city. Scan the Tap-in Plymouth QR code next time you visit your favourite venue and the Tap-In team will also keep you up to date with all the things you love, telling you about similar upcoming gigs, shows, theatre and events in the city.</p>
<p dir="ltr">Tap-in Plymouth is based on the science of microinteraction: A small interaction repeated over time builds data and insight, showing support and demand. All people need to do to mark the power of their ongoing microinteractions is quickly register by using their phone to scan the QR codes found online or at the partners events and venues around the city and tap-in a very small amount of information about themselves.<br /></p>
<p dir="ltr">Hannah Harris of Plymouth Culture has commissioned Tap-In Plymouth on behalf of city partners.</p>
<p dir="ltr">Hannah Harris says, “There’s just so much happening right across Plymouth. EVERYTHING is going on, all the time. From the British Art Show to the awe-inspiring immersive dome, from local music concerts to live global events, every single day gives Plymouth residents a chance to soak it all up and have a great time, doing what they love the most.”</p>
<p dir="ltr">“It’s all right here, on our doorstep. The only challenge is fitting it all into our weeks and weekends! And now there’s a new way for the people of this great city to show their love, support and thanks for everyone that’s making everything happen.”</p>
<p dir="ltr">Many of the arts venues in the city are part of the Tap-in pilot including the four BAS9 host venues: KARST, The Box, MIRROR at Arts University Plymouth and The Arts Institute at the University of Plymouth - along with a number of fringe and test spaces such as Leadworks, Barbican Theatre Plymouth, Marjon Arts Centre at Plymouth Marjon University and The Junction, as well as arts and community groups Take A Part, CAMP and FLOCK.<br /></p>
<p dir="ltr">If everyone going to a show, exhibition, event or concert in any of these places taps-in, every time they go there, it’ll help that venue know and understand who its audiences are, and what people are most interested in seeing and experiencing.”</p>
<p dir="ltr">Supporting partner Donna Howard of KARST, says, “This is the first scheme in the UK where people can show their support for culture across the city where everyone can get involved. It’s another way of showing just how strong, and vibrant our creative community is here in Plymouth. We’re on an ongoing journey as a creative, cultural and entertainment-led city. With so many more cultural events happening across the city, we want to use audience voice to inform and ensure the best and most relevant culture is being shows and enjoyed across our creative city.”</p>
<p dir="ltr">“Plymouth Culture has developed Tap-in Plymouth with a local talented digital-making team so that everyone in the city can now tap-into their favourite places to show their support for the amazing city that is Plymouth. We’re on an ongoing journey as a creative, cultural and entertainment-led city - and there’s more, more, more happening all the time. And the makers and shakers of the city want to bring everyone more and more of what they love.”<br /></p>
<p dir="ltr">Additional supporting partner Donna Maughan from Leadworks says, “Especially in these tough economic times, the more tap-ins we get, the more we know what people are coming to, and what the people of Plymouth are turning out for. Every Tap-in really helps us, encourages us and allows us to grow and flourish.”</p>
<p dir="ltr">“Everyone got used to tapping-into places with the NHS app, and lots of bars and restaurants now use QR codes so that people can access their menus. So, in just the same way, it simply takes a second or two, to just take out your smartphone and tap-into brilliant places and spaces like the Theatre Royal, any of the British Art Show venues, or brilliant venues like The Junction and Leadworks. This is another amazing innovation from Plymouth and by coming together to create a mega amount of city-wide microinteractions over the next three months, we’ll be able to show exactly what local people love the most, and what they want to see more of.”<br /></p>
<p>The 12 Tap-in places during the initial pilot are: The Arts Institute at the University of Plymouth, The Box, MIRROR at Arts University Plymouth, KARST, Take a Part, CAMP, Marjon Arts Centre at Plymouth Marjon University, Barbican Theatre Plymouth, Theatre Royal Plymouth, FLOCK, Leadworks, The Junction.</p>
<p>Tap-in to do something new in Plymouth. Gigs, theatre, dance, shows, going-out - it’s happening in Plymouth all the time. Log in to <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Tap-in Plymouth</a> and the team will tell you when and where.</p>