Ai experiment 4

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The future of AI: For Fashion Communication it all looks very promising.

BAFTA-nominated film director Oscar Sharp recently visited Fashion Communication students to discuss the innovative use of artificial intelligence
<p dir="ltr"><a href="">BA (Hons) Fashion Communication</a> had the pleasure of welcoming BAFTA-nominated film director <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Oscar Sharp</a>, to discuss the innovative use of artificial intelligence (AI) in script writing and filmmaking. At the forefront of the AI revolution, Sharp has been developing screenplays with the aid of AI software developer Ross Goodwin. This revolutionary experiment has manifested in the form of a series of films, such as the sci-fi short <a href=";themeRefresh=1" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Sunspring</a>. The two creatives explored the concept of "What if AI could write a movie?" - pushing the boundaries of cinema in the process.<br /></p>

A still from Sunspring (2016)

<p dir="ltr">Originally known as Jetson, the AI responsible for creating screenplays now goes by the name of Benjamin. After being fed thousands of scripts, Benjamin is presented with a series of prompts, before generating a unique, avant-garde art-house script. Grammatically correct, it is then up to Sharp and a team of actors to interpret the language and bring the screenplay to life.<br /></p>

A still from Sunspring (2016)

<p dir="ltr">During his talk, Sharp explored the ways in which artificial intelligence (AI) can be used to craft existing stories and visuals in fresh, imaginative ways. He ran a demonstration in AI image making software, providing students with a professional insight into the potential of AI in fashion communication. Sharp's inspiring presentation demonstrated how technology can not only assist in the editing process, but also create captivating stories and visuals for social media.<br /></p>
Ai experiment 4

One of the artificial intelligence experiments

<p dir="ltr">Subject leader for <a href="">BA (Hons) Fashion Communication</a>, <a href="">Kirsty Smith</a>, said, “As a course devoted to anticipating the future, we were delighted to welcome Oscar, an innovator who has been pushing the envelope of creativity for years. During his brief visit to the UK from Los Angeles, Oscar shared his thoughts on the power of collaboration in the pursuit of inventive solutions. His words of wisdom reinforced our commitment to bold, collaborative thinking and left us invigorated to take on the AI challenge.” <br /></p>
Ai experiment 3

One of the artificial intelligence experiments

<p dir="ltr">Oscar Sharp visited Arts University Plymouth to give a guest lecture to students as part of the university's program to provide educational opportunities from leading industry professionals. To find out what it’s like to be involved in a creative community, visit <a href=""></a> or check out the next Arts University Plymouth <a href="">Open Day</a>. <br /></p>