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The Secrets of Finishing Masterclass coming to Arts University Plymouth
Friday, 12 May, 2023 — Alumni Sharney Adams and Jeremy Lock from Twofour Post host a masterclass on picture grading and audio mixing on 22 May
<p dir="ltr">The Royal Television Society (RTS) and Twofour will host ‘The Secrets of Finishing’, a masterclass in the technology and techniques of picture grading and audio mixing for film and television, on 22 May 2023 at Arts University Plymouth. Led by speakers Sharney Adams, an Arts University Plymouth alumni and Editor and Colourist at Twofour Post, and Jeremy Lock, Head of Audio at Twofour Post, the talk will take place from 4pm to 6:30pm in the Plymouth Arts Cinema, situated at Arts University Plymouth’s main Tavistock Place campus.</p>
<p dir="ltr">Tickets are free for RTS members and Arts University Plymouth students and staff, or £5 each for everyone else, and are bookable by emailing <a href="mailto:rtsdevonandcornwall@rts.org.uk">rtsdevonandcornwall@rts.org.uk</a> to reserve a place.<br /></p>
<p dir="ltr">From glamorous award ceremonies to lively debates, the <a href="https://rts.org.uk/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Royal Television Society</a> is an educational charity that embraces all aspects of television, and is open to anyone with an interest in the medium. The RTS encourages and celebrates work in television and its related fields, covering everything from helping members to discover how the nation’s favourite shows to celebrating burgeoning talent at its annual Student Awards.<br /></p>

Film students from Arts University Plymouth attend the Royal Television Society Devon & Cornwall Student Awards
<p>Based in Estover, Plymouth, <a href="https://twofour.co.uk/approach/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Twofour</a> Post is a post-production branch of Twofour, an Emmy and BAFTA award-winning UK-based television production company that was twice voted UK’s Production Company of the Year.</p>
<p dir="ltr">Sharney Adams originally studied HND Media Production followed by BA (Hons) Media Production (now <a href="https://www.aup.ac.uk/courses/undergraduate/ba-hons-film-screen-arts">BA (Hons) Film & Screen Arts</a>) at Arts University Plymouth, later working as Senior Editor at ITV Westcountry before taking up his current position as Editor and Colourist at Twofour Post. At Twofour Post, his work frequently involves designing title sequences and other graphic elements for television shows.</p>
<p dir="ltr">Jeremy Lock is Head of Audio at Twofour Post, looking after a team of Dubbing Mixers who are responsible for creating the final soundtracks of TV shows for Twofour and other independent production companies. Jeremy also advises and supports all areas of sound recording and practices throughout the whole production process. </p>
<p dir="ltr">We sat down with Sharney and Jeremy to find out more about their work in film and television, get tips for anybody thinking about working in the industry, and for a preview on what to expect in ‘The Secrets of Finishing’.<br /></p>
<p dir="ltr">Sharney said: “My work is often inspired by other programmes that I find suit the subject matter in terms of look and design style. There are a few colourists and production companies I make sure to follow, because they always seem to produce great looking content with good design.”<br /></p>

Jeremy Lock
<p dir="ltr">Sharney said: “I would describe myself as an expert in online practices, but as a beginner in colour work. There is a lot to learn. Avid Media Composer is my tool of choice for online work, and Baselight Editions which runs inside Avid for colour. I use Adobe Photoshop and Adobe After Effects for all titles, name straps, credits, title sequences and other graphic elements.”</p>
<p dir="ltr">Jeremy said: “My own specialism is that of a Dubbing Mixer... the details of which will be revealed at ‘The Secrets of Finishing’! My role is extremely rewarding and in particular being involved with the process at the very end of the creative process allows you to witness the final completion of a project that could be years in the making. I'm also fortunate enough to work across a wide range of genres, from quiz shows, to entertainment and reality to feature documentaries.”</p>
<p dir="ltr">“Part of the job is to interpret the needs of the client and make that a reality, while at the same time bringing your own creative input to produce a mix that is right for the genre or subject matter of the project. Watching TV and films is always a learning experience that can inspire and spark ideas that you can use in your own work.”</p>
<p dir="ltr">“The role of a Dubbing Mixer is a specific combination of technical skills and knowledge with creative elements that bring something of your own personal style to each project.”</p>
<p dir="ltr">“The skill in creating a good mix is to ensure that the viewer enjoys a seamless interaction between the pictures and sound. Usually we want the viewer to hear exactly what they would expect to hear, based on what they are seeing. However, sound can also be very powerful in steering the emotions of a viewer, drawing attention to specific elements on screen or placing the viewer in a specific location.”<br /></p>
<p dir="ltr">Sharney said: “I would recommend students watch television programmes. Not just the glossy Netflix and Apple ones, but also the fast turnaround ones on terrestrial TV. Look and work out why some feel right, while others don’t. Simple things such as name straps and credits that aren’t quite lined up with each other can have a subconscious negative impact on the viewer, as well as the obvious mismatch of colour between shots.”<br /></p>

Sharney Adams
<p dir="ltr">Sharney said: “Coming up is the second series of Dubai Hustle for BBC Three, which will take most of June. I did the first series last year for ITV Manchester remotely on their full Baselight system.”</p>
<p dir="ltr">“‘The Secrets of Finishing’ event coming up will be a snapshot of how I go about starting an online project for grading and the first steps in creating a look. The actual processes I use would take many hours to explain, but hopefully just enough time to give some idea of what happens. Anyone interested in television online editing and grading in general should find it useful.”<br /></p>

Sharney worked on Dubai Hustle for BBC Three
<p dir="ltr">Jeremy said: “Our event is aiming to give people an introduction to the area of Final Post Production, which is often an element of the production process that little is known about. The level of care and attention to detail that takes place at this stage of the process is essential in creating the polished final product often comes as a surprise to people. Even those already working in other areas of the industry.”</p>
<p dir="ltr">“Sharney and I will introduce some of the tools of our trade, as well as the process that we undertake in our specific roles with examples of work and real time demonstrations. This talk will be a great experience for anyone with an interest in how TV is made, especially those with specific interest in editing or sound mixing. Students or practitioners will hopefully also pick up some tips to use in their own work.”<br /></p>
<p dir="ltr"><strong>Come along to ‘The Secrets of Finishing’ Royal Television Society talk at Plymouth Arts Cinema from 4-6.30pm on Monday 22nd May and listen to Jeremy Lock & Sharney Adams from Twofour Post talk about Picture Grading and Audio Mixing. </strong></p>
<p dir="ltr"><strong>Tickets for staff, students and RTS members are free. All other tickets are £5. </strong></p>
<p dir="ltr"><strong>Please email <a href="mailto:rtsdevonandcornwall@rts.org.uk">rtsdevonandcornwall@rts.org.uk</a> to reserve your space.</strong><br /></p>