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TOP TIPS: Your first week at art college
Monday, 24 September, 2018 — Worried about meeting new people? Settling into a new place and course? Students' Union President Rowena Murphy shares her five top tips for tackling freshers week and beyond, helping to ensure you start your university career as you mean to go on...
<h5>It can be nerve-wracking and overwhelming starting a degree, but it's also an amazing opportunity to meet new people and try new things.</h5>
<p>As our first wave of new creatives kickstart their journey at the college, Students' Union President Rowena Murphy shares her five top tips for tackling freshers week and beyond, helping to ensure you start your university career as you mean to go on...<br /></p>

<p><strong>1. Find your local inexpensive food shop</strong><br />It’s very likely that you’ll have an Aldi or Lidl close to you, if not then consider ones that offer point card systems such as Tesco or Sainsbury. Moving into shared accommodation? You can also club together with your housemates and do joint food shops to save money.</p>
<p><strong>2. Get yourself out there</strong><br />Check out what events are happening in the city and at your university, and attend as many as you can. There will be a mix of ticketed and free events, to suit every budget. These allow you to make friends and maybe try something that you wouldn't have before - this is just the start of so many new experiences!</p>
<p><strong>3. Set personal goals</strong><br />During your first week, set a personal goal to talk to at least one new person a day, this is a great way to introduce yourself to others and build potential friendships. Building a network of people who work in all different disciplines opens the door to collaborations - imagine being a fashion student who knows a crafts student to make props for their collections, a photography student to take amazing snaps of their garments and a film student friend to help them promote their work!</p>
<p><strong>4. Keep on top of your work</strong><br />Get into the swing of being on top of things from the start, time management and prioritising deadlines is key. This way, tackling coursework in your second and third years will be a breeze.</p>
<p><strong>5. Enjoy yourself</strong><br />Make the most of every opportunity, have fun and enjoy yourself. After all, you will only be a fresher once!</p>
<p><strong>Still feeling nervous or anxious?</strong> Why not drop into our SU (near The Refectory) and chat to SU President Rowena or SU Manager Paige over a cuppa. You can also drop them an email at pnolan@pca.ac.uk and rmurphy@pca.ac.uk.</p>