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Wednesday, 5 December, 2018 — 18-year-old photographer Luke Frost has a passion for exploring the coast and capturing the people and places that make the South West unique. Read on to find out more about his practice, and his proposition 'Protect Your Oceans'...
<p>18-year-old photographer Luke Frost has a passion for exploring the coast and capturing the people and places that make the South West unique.</p>
<p>We believe that high-quality education for life in contemporary arts practice is the creative catalyst for personal, professional and cultural transformation, and our manifesto includes ten propositions, written by our Principal, Professor Andrew Brewerton, that added to the themes of CREATIVE LEARNING and SOCIAL JUSTICE, define our strategic plans for the future. For our new campaign, we invited thirteen current students, recent graduates and alumni to contribute their own propositions.</p>

<p><strong>Luke recently graduated from Plymouth College of Art’s dedicated <a href="https://www.aup.ac.uk/study/pre-degree" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">pre-degree</a> campus, </strong><strong>specialising</strong><strong> in <a href="https://www.aup.ac.uk/courses/pre-degree/ual-level-3-extended-diploma-in-art-design-photography" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">photography</a>, and has now begun his undergraduate degree in <a href="https://www.aup.ac.uk/courses/undergraduate/ba-hons-commercial-photography-jan" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Commercial Photography</a> with us. We sat down with him to talk about his photography process and his proposition...</strong></p>
<p><strong>Can you tell us about your aspirations?</strong><br />I would consider my main passion to be photography, and from my photographs I think you can see that I enjoy spending time near the coast - where I also enjoy fishing and surfing with my friends in local areas. My aspiration is to be taking photos around the world on different coasts, to enjoy different cultures, and to be recognised for the dedication and genuine love I have for the art.</p>
<p><strong>What’s one of the main skills you’ve taken from your studies so far?</strong><br />The college has been a large part of my learning process and progress. I've always appreciated the time and effort that goes into capturing photos, I very quickly learnt that when applied correctly - less is more. Adding minimal touches, along with knowing where to apply them is what really creates a stand-out photo.</p>
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<p><strong>Tell us about your proposition.</strong><br />Protecting the oceans is extremely important to me. My hobbies take me to the water and that is where I found my love for photography and so to see the damage being done to our planet and the sea life is awful. We have such an amazing coastline, schemes to protect the ocean are so important in opening our eyes to the damage we’re causing and to stop it before it becomes irreversible.</p>
<p><strong>Why did you choose to study with us</strong><strong>?</strong><br />I knew that studying an <a href="https://www.aup.ac.uk/courses/pre-degree/ual-level-3-extended-diploma-in-art-design-photography" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Extended Diploma Art & Design (Photography)</a> was something I was genuinely interested in and had a passion for, and that is super important to me. I feel that without a love for the art, you can't reach your full potential.</p>
<p>Plymouth as a city offers me everything I need, it's right on the ocean’s doorstep. Plymouth College of Art has been amazing during my Extended Diploma, I’m looking forward to continuing my studies here for my BA in Commercial Photography.</p>

<p><strong>What would be your advice for new students?</strong><br />My advice would be to work hard; show interest and give everything your all; take every opportunity that is handed to you. Everything is a chance to learn and expand your skills. Show that you are prepared and dedicated to working hard and that will only open bigger opportunities for yourself.<br /></p><h4>Speak up and create your proposition.<br />Draw or write yours at <a href="http://www.whatsyourproposition.com/">whatsyourproposition.com</a>.</h4><ul><li><a href="https://www.aup.ac.uk/study/pre-degree" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Find out more about our creative Extended Diploma.</a></li></ul>