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Why you can feel safe living in Plymouth
Wednesday, 15 February, 2023 — There are many reasons to study in the city of Plymouth, but there’s also the fact that Plymouth is one of the safest places to live in the UK.
<p dir="ltr">There are many reasons to study in the city of Plymouth. It might be because of <a href="https://www.aup.ac.uk/posts/top-10-reasons-to-study-at-arts-university-plymouth">the amazing nightlife</a> or the fact it’s <a href="https://www.aup.ac.uk/posts/plymouth-one-of-the-cheapest-uk-cities-2022">more affordable than other major cities in the UK</a> that brings you to the city, but there’s also the fact that Plymouth is one of the safest places to live in the UK.<br /></p>
<p dir="ltr">In 2022, Plymouth was officially recognised as one of the safest places in the country to enjoy a night out in a pub or club. The <a href="https://www.plymouth.gov.uk/plymouth-flies-purple-flag-2022" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">prestigious Purple Flag accreditation</a> was awarded for the way the city’s evening and night time economy is managed. Areas awarded for the Purple Flag are recognised for providing a vibrant and diverse mix of dining, entertainment and culture, while promoting the safety and wellbeing of visitors and residents. </p>
<p dir="ltr">Plymouth was first awarded the Purple Flag status back in 2020, with the status assessing the city on its safety of customers and staff, the appeal of the city, the movement of people around the city and its cultural diversity and vibrancy. One of highlights from Plymouth’s submission was its anti-drink spiking campaign. Plymouth pubs are still supplied with drink-spiking kits, with around 25 venues in the city currently part of the scheme.<br /></p>

Purple emergency help points are now available throughout the city centre, Barbican and Mutley Plain
<p dir="ltr">Plymouth has also piloted an <a href="https://www.plymouth.gov.uk/help-points" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">emergency help point scheme</a> throughout the city centre, Barbican and Mutley Plain areas of the city, with 13 new purple help points installed. These emergency points are well lit and located near new and existing CCTV, and anyone who activates the help point will be automatically connected to the council’s 24/7 CCTV control room. Lights will brighten on activation and nearby cameras will move to pick up the help point, which means staff in the control room can monitor the situation while appropriate emergency services respond. The help points are part of the Safer Streets initiative which was awarded to Plymouth from the Home Office to help target violent crime against women and girls and improve feelings of safety in the local community.<br /></p>
<p dir="ltr">In the last year, Plymouth City Council set up the Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG) Commission, to review what is being done across the city to educate people, prevent and deter these types of violent crimes, consider what support is available for victims and make recommendations on what more can be done to make women and girls safer in the city. As part of this commission, Arts University Plymouth and its Students’ Union has signed the <a href="https://www.plymouth.gov.uk/violence-against-women-and-girls-pledge" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">VAWG Pledge</a>, outlining our support with the recommendations made by the Commission which includes providing a named responsible person to champion and lead activity, adopting the VAWG Charter Mark Scheme when it launches and under no circumstances tolerating any sexist or misogynistic language and behaviour. <br /></p>

Coffee with Cops gives students the chance to drop in to speak to Devon and Cornwall Police
<p dir="ltr">Arts University Plymouth’s Students’ Union regularly hosts Coffee with Cops sessions, a chance for students to sit down and meet the university campus beat manager, Tracey Godfrey. Students can speak to Devon and Cornwall Police about confidential concerns, ask for advice or find out how to report something you’re worried about, with no pressure or agenda. <br /></p>
<p dir="ltr">For any student, moving into halls or away from home for the first time can be an exciting and daunting prospect. Often the last thing you’ll think about is whether or not your personal belongings are safe in your new residence, however, there’s lots of really simple precautions you can take to keep your peace of mind while you study.</p>
<p dir="ltr"><a href="https://www.comparethemarket.com/home-insurance/content/prevent-theft-for-students/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Comparethemarket.com</a> offers some great tips on how to prevent theft during your time at university, from taking out an insurance policy and keeping valuables locked away during house parties and gatherings to marking your items with a UV pen and knowing your local campus security team, will all help prevent your possessions from ending up in the wrong hands.</p>
<p dir="ltr">As well as being safe, Plymouth was also <a href="https://www.onefamily.com/savings/best-places-live-work-uk/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">named as one of the best UK cities to live and work in by OneFamily.com</a>, with high levels of satisfaction coming from the low rate of crime, the low cost of living and high levels of civic pride from locals in the city. It’s safe to say we love it here, it’s safe, fun, affordable and welcoming. We think you’ll love it here too.</p>
<p dir="ltr"><strong>For further support:</strong><br /></p><ul><li dir="ltr"><p dir="ltr"><a href="https://crimestoppers-uk.org/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Crime Stoppers</a>: An independent UK charity that takes crime information anonymously</p></li><li dir="ltr"><p dir="ltr"><a href="https://www.intercomtrust.org.uk/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Intercom Trust</a>: An LGBT+ led charity, aiming to improve wellbeing and inclusion across the South West</p></li><li dir="ltr"><p dir="ltr"><a href="https://trevi.org.uk/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Trevi</a>: A South West based charity providing safe and nurturing spaces for women in recovery from abuse or trauma to heal, recover and grow </p></li><li dir="ltr"><p dir="ltr"><a href="https://www.victimsupport.org.uk/resources/devon-and-cornwall/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Victim Support</a>: An independent charity dedicated to support victims of crime and traumatic incidents</p></li><li dir="ltr"><p dir="ltr"><a href="https://www.hikmatdevon.co.uk/about_us" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Hikmat Devon CIC</a>: An organisation enabling and supporting minority ethnic communities living in Devon</p></li></ul>