Supported Projects
Bridging the digital divide that hinders the use of digital fabrication knowledge and technologies in the European cultural and creative sectors.
<p>The <a href="https://madeat.eu/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Made@EU project</a> saw Arts University Plymouth and Fab Lab South West (formerly Fab Lab Plymouth) work in partnership with prestigious research and education centres in Paris, Barcelona, Amsterdam and Budapest, in an international collaboration co-funded by the <a href="https://ec.europa.eu/programmes/creative-europe/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Creative Europe Programme</a>. This strong international network of leaders in the Fab Lab network joined forces to offer diverse programmes, creating opportunities for artists, designers and craftspeople to explore and exchange ideas across borders.</p>
<p>With our Fab Lab facilities at its core, the project included a range of residency programmes and workshops — including a ‘Using 3D Digital Tools for Making’ symposium — which enabled artists and designers from across Europe to explore and exchange new ideas surrounding innovative making and digital fabrication technologies.</p>
<p>Led by the <a href="https://iaac.net/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Institute of Advanced Architecture of Catalonia</a> the project welcomed international artists and makers to the South West through subsidised residencies, granting them exclusive access to Fab Lab South West and Arts University Plymouth facilities and technical support. Through these residencies, artists enhanced their practice and bridged the digital divide — melding traditional craft and design techniques with experimental, digital processes. </p>
<p>Seven artists, designers and makers joined our Made@EU residency scheme, with their experimental work culminating in a <a href="https://www.fablabplymouth.org/news/in-pictures-made-eu-exhibition-at-the-gallery/">public exhibition</a> hosted by MIRROR. From sculpture and animation to furniture and architectural models, MIRROR showcased pieces from Adriana Ionascu, Alfie Smith, Jack West, Laura Martinez, Mark von Rosenstiel, Matthew Bush and Phil Cuttance, Ludovic Mallegol and Annemie Maes.</p>