Supported Projects
Smart Citizens Programme (SCP)
<p>The <strong>Smart Citizens Programme (SCP)</strong>, running from 2020-22, was part of the iMayflower project and was supported by The Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport who fund the Cultural Development Fund which is administered by Arts Council England. </p>
<p>The iMayflower project aimed to deliver a programme of large-scale cultural and creative events to inspire and enrich lives. iMayflower is led by Plymouth City Council and delivered in partnership with Creative England, Crowdfunder, Destination Plymouth, Arts University Plymouth, Real Ideas Organisation and University of Plymouth.</p>
<p>Working with citizens, communities and businesses in Plymouth and the region to provide access to digital fabrication facilities, training in digital design and manufacturing and support with sustainable entrepreneurship. </p>
<p>The Smart Citizens Programme offered workshops, community group meet-ups, and training with accreditation in digital design and fabrication. The activities emphasised using the city's natural and internal resources to make new products following the circular economy principles and design thinking methodologies. The programme activities focused on various themes such as agri-food, conservation and environment, art and creativity, experimental manufacturing, FabCity, urban innovations, and more.</p>
<p>The programme empowered citizens with digital technologies skills and connected ideas, people and enterprises in order to unlock the potential of citizen makers building and presenting innovative solutions for the people and the planet. The programme also developed a volunteer scheme to build a local makers' and innovators' culture and community.<br /></p>
<p><strong>SCP had three main activities:</strong></p>
<p><strong>1. Citizens Lab </strong><br />The ‘Citizens Lab’ facility where citizens and early concept businesses came together with technical experts and digital technologies to prototype concepts and move to small scale production. This space was focused on experimenting and developing sustainable solutions for the city through the preservation and enhancement of our natural and cultural assets working with creative industries within a range of sectors.</p>
<p><strong>2. Engagement Programme</strong><br />An outreach programme that was accessible to everyone providing access to digital technologies and training in how to design and make almost anything. The programme also sought to engage citizens in policy-level decision-making that used digital technologies to enhance the city’s natural assets in a sustainable manner, bringing immersive technologies and cultural activities together.</p>
<p><strong>3. Sustainable Design Initiative</strong><br />This initiative created a project that brought together local authority urban planners and procurement leads with local citizens to specifically consider the placemaking agenda within Plymouth. This was a grassroots-driven initiative to embed citizen-led and local SME-led solutions on a city-wide scale.</p>
<p><strong>Smart Citizens Programme Themes</strong><br />The programme activities were linked to these themes inspired by the FabCity Manifesto: </p><ul><li>Agri-food</li><li>Empowering Technology</li><li>Experimental Manufacturing</li><li>Conservation & Environment </li><li>Creativity & Art</li><li>Circular Economies </li><li>Plymouth FabCity</li><li>Urban Innovations </li><li>Health & Wellbeing </li></ul>
<p><br />For further information about the Smart Citizens Programme, please contact our Development team at <a href="mailto:projects@aup.ac.uk" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">projects@aup.ac.uk</a>.</p>
<p>If you are interested in accessing the Fab Lab South West (formerly Fab Lab Plymouth) facilities please <a href="https://www.fablabplymouth.org/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">visit the Fab Lab website</a> or contact <a href="mailto:fablab@aup.ac.uk" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">fablab@aup.ac.uk</a></p>