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Find out about life at our independent art school from the people who know us best — our real staff and students.

Speak to someone today and gain personal insight into our creative community. From finding accommodation and student finance to course content and employability, our approachable student ambassadors are available to answer your questions on live chat.

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<p>"The mutual respect from teachers and students is so much better than I ever got in school. You get treated like an adult and it just makes for a better environment. I wouldn't change anything." <br />— <strong>Extended Diploma Photography student 2014/15 (Induction/Exit Survey)</strong></p> <p>"Moving from A-level to college was the best decision I could have made, I have learnt so much more and enjoyed college far more than I did in sixth form. I have made a lot of good friends and gained many skills by taking part in this course."<br />— <strong>Extended Diploma Photography student 2014/15 (Induction/Exit Survey)</strong><br /><br />"Staff running the course are great and are excited about the topic so that makes us excited about the course." <br />— <strong>Extended Diploma Photography student 2014/15 (Induction/Exit Survey)</strong><br /><br />"The range of equipment is outstanding and the support from the tutors is excellent."<br />— <strong>Extended Diploma Photography student 2014/15 (Induction/Exit Survey)</strong></p> <p>“I feel that the college atmosphere is very mature and relaxed but well organised. The range of equipment is outstanding and the support time from tutors is excellent.”<br />— <strong>Student Survey</strong></p>