Our People
Anna Corbett
Deputy Chair of Board of Governors
<p dir="ltr">Anna Corbett - Deputy Chair of Board of Governors, Chair of Remuneration Committee and Chair of Employment Committee. Member of Audit Committee and Nominations & Governance Committee.</p>
<p dir="ltr">Anna is Chief Executive for Tor Mark Ltd, a leading publishing and distribution company.</p>
<p dir="ltr">With an initial background in education, Anna has considerable experience in non-profit organisations. She is currently involved in significant grant-awarding for the Cornwall Community Foundation, as well as retaining a portfolio on non-executive roles, where she specialises in leading and developing excellence in governance and trusteeship. Anna is a Trustee for Aspire, Cornwall largest multi-academy trust, and for Arts University Plymouth, for both of whom she undertakes the responsibility of Safeguarding and Prevent trustee.</p>
<p dir="ltr">Both professionally and in her non-executive roles, Anna has extensive experience of initiating and leading acquisition and merger, with associated due diligence, team management, rationalisation and restructuring. Anna represents the Diocese of Truro on the Church of England’s Clergy Discipline Measure and is a member of a number of diocesan boards in her role of Chair of the House of Laity. Anna represents the Church of England on Cornwall Council’s Standing Advisory Committee for Religious Education and is a member of Cornwall’s Prevent board.</p>
<p dir="ltr">On a personal note, Anna writes cookery books in her spare time and is an enthusiastic, if somewhat amateur, gardener. She is a great supporter of children and young people and believes that education is the framework for changing people’s lives. She cites Michelle Obama as an inspiration in advocating positivity and kindness in everyone, and believes smiling is a great way to be seen.<br /><br /></p>
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