Student Support (Postgraduate)
Health & Wellbeing, Counselling and Disability Support
Our Student Support team offers a team of specialist advisors who can provide MA students with information and guidance in a variety of areas, including finance and funding, disability support, counselling, health and wellbeing.
<p dir="ltr">We are fully committed to providing equal opportunities to all, and the Student Support Team work alongside lecturers to support students.<br /></p>
<p dir="ltr">Arts University Plymouth is an inclusive environment where the individual is celebrated. Please discuss your needs with us as early as possible to ensure that we can put appropriate and timely support in place. You can be reassured that any details you disclose will only be shared with relevant staff in order to enhance your learning experience at university.<br /></p>
<p dir="ltr">All staff in the university aim to reduce barriers to learning for all students through an inclusive neurodiversity approach. We work with the individual student, and will make a wide range of reasonable adjustments that may include the following:</p><ul><li dir="ltr"><p dir="ltr">Recording of lectures/tutorials/technical demonstrations where possible</p></li><li dir="ltr"><p dir="ltr">Flexible assessment methods</p></li><li dir="ltr"><p dir="ltr">Access to one to one and group study skills support through the Learning Lab</p></li><li dir="ltr"><p dir="ltr">Access to resources in adaptable and varied formats</p></li><li dir="ltr"><p dir="ltr">Advice and support for accessing practical sessions</p></li><li dir="ltr"><p dir="ltr">General Welfare, Counselling and Holistic Health Support</p></li><li dir="ltr"><p dir="ltr">Additional Tutorials for students who need extra time to understand learning content and assignment briefs</p></li><li dir="ltr"><p dir="ltr">Lecture materials in advance via Google Classroom</p></li><li dir="ltr"><p dir="ltr">Flexibility in attendance and punctuality for students with medical needs</p></li><li dir="ltr"><p dir="ltr">Students can access Disability Advisors directly if students are experiencing challenges</p></li><li dir="ltr"><p dir="ltr">Quiet rooms to relax/rest</p></li><li dir="ltr"><p dir="ltr">Access to PowerPoint/Google slides in advance of the lecture so they can be imported into software</p></li><li dir="ltr"><p dir="ltr">Sufficient time with library resources to accommodate reading needs and make use of assistive technologies</p></li><li dir="ltr"><p dir="ltr">Support for students who find group work or presentations challenging</p></li><li dir="ltr"><p dir="ltr">Learning materials/assignment briefs in accessible language</p></li><li dir="ltr"><p dir="ltr">Extra time immediately after studio/group sessions with academic staff to check understanding</p></li><li dir="ltr"><p dir="ltr">Flexible process in place for students with medical needs to receive additional time to meet deadlines for formative and summative assessments.</p></li><li dir="ltr"><p dir="ltr">Constant and consistent messages regarding behaviour</p></li><li dir="ltr"><p dir="ltr">The Library has a wide range of audiobooks and spoken word texts to help process information</p></li><li dir="ltr"><p dir="ltr">Specialist support via the Academic Skills Team for study issues which may include; time management; understanding briefs and assignments; language support; creative writing skills, motivation</p></li><li dir="ltr"><p dir="ltr">Considerate timetabling and fair warning of changes in timetables and venues</p></li><li dir="ltr"><p dir="ltr">Early advice and agendas for off-campus activities</p></li></ul><p dir="ltr">The standard adjustments listed above are not all-encompassing and we are more than happy to discuss your individual needs.</p>
<p>If you have any medical needs please contact Student Support so we can discuss how we can support you, by calling +44 (0)1752 203423 or emailing <a href="mailto:studentsupport@aup.ac.uk">studentsupport@aup.ac.uk</a>.</p>
<p dir="ltr">Disabled Students’ Allowances (DSAs) can help support you with your learning and to cover extra costs you have because of a disability such as a mental health problem, a learning difficulty, or a long term illness.</p>
<p dir="ltr">The DSAs process is summarised by:</p><ul><li dir="ltr"><p dir="ltr">Application;</p></li><li dir="ltr"><p dir="ltr">submit medical evidence;</p></li><li dir="ltr"><p dir="ltr">attend a needs assessment;</p></li><li dir="ltr"><p dir="ltr">the award of DSA support.</p></li></ul><p dir="ltr">There are three main elements to DSA:</p><ul><li dir="ltr"><p dir="ltr">Assistive Technology</p></li><li dir="ltr"><p dir="ltr">Non-Medical Help</p></li><li dir="ltr"><p dir="ltr">General Allowance</p></li></ul><p>For further information and guidance on how to apply <a href="https://www.ucas.com/finance/additional-funding/disabled-students-allowances-dsas">please click here</a>. Alternatively, please email <a href="mailto:dsa_team@slc.co.uk">dsa_team@slc.co.uk</a>.</p>
<p dir="ltr">Arts University Plymouth works in close consultation with Amano Student Support as its primary provider of DSAs non-medical help along with other companies. For more information on the support available please contact:</p><ul><li dir="ltr"><p dir="ltr">Email: <a href="mailto:dsa@amanotech.com">dsa@amanotech.com</a></p></li><li dir="ltr"><p dir="ltr">Call: +44 (0)1822 600060</p></li></ul>

<p dir="ltr">The university offers a variety of free in-house services during your studies through the Student Support team, including mentoring, student counselling, health services and referrals and wellbeing workshops.</p>
<p dir="ltr">Appointments with the Student Support Counsellors are professional and confidential and you can get support for a range of issues such as</p><ul><li dir="ltr"><p dir="ltr">Anxiety and depression</p></li><li dir="ltr"><p dir="ltr">Abuse</p></li><li dir="ltr"><p dir="ltr">Self-harm</p></li><li dir="ltr"><p dir="ltr">Issues that affect your academic work</p></li><li dir="ltr"><p dir="ltr">Bereavement</p></li><li dir="ltr"><p dir="ltr">Issues at home such as those relating to relationships</p></li><li dir="ltr"><p dir="ltr">Eating problems</p></li><li dir="ltr"><p dir="ltr">Being bullied or harassed</p></li></ul><p dir="ltr">If you are a current student, you can access a range of services online through the <a href="https://sites.google.com/aup.ac.uk/student-support/home?authuser=0" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Student Support</a> site. This web page will help you to book a session with a counsellor, and Wellbeing/Welfare Advisors find information and tips on improving mental health and wellbeing, as well as where to go for specialised support and help on a wide range of subjects, from fitness and mental health to bereavement and LGBTQ+ support groups.</p>
<p>For more information please contact <a href="mailto:studentsupport@aup.ac.uk">studentsupport@aup.ac.uk</a>.</p>

<p dir="ltr">Our Library, Academic Skills and Learning Technologies teams support all academic and research pursuits for students across the university. In partnership with the university's other facilities, we offer 1:1 support and group sessions across a broad range of topics:</p>
<p dir="ltr">Accessibility tools<br />Time management<br />Critical reading and note-taking<br />Reading and research into writing<br />Writing skills (reflective, critical and academic writing)<br />Hidden talents of dyslexia<br />Dissertation support (referencing and researching)<br />Confidence in your presentation skills</p>
<p dir="ltr">Everything from essay research and referencing to dyslexia tools and help using online submission tools. Guidance is available throughout your studies either via booking on Smarthub, dropping-in to scheduled sessions or for individual support, booking face-to-face and through telephone or email is also available. The vast majority of topics covered are also available online in video format, together with further supporting information, so you can access support 24/7.<br /></p>